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Las 10 mejores herramientas de CRM personal: una revisión definitiva de las mejores en 2024
Es imposible recordar todo y a todos, y no tienes que hacerlo. Un CRM personal lo hace por ti. Organiza relaciones personales significativas, como colegas, amigos, familiares y conocidos de negocios privados. Este artículo presenta las 10 principales herramientas de CRM personal que todos usarán en 2024.
Liucija Adomaite
March 22, 2024
Cold Calling
Sales Strategy
¿Qué es Cold Calling? Significado, cómo funciona y todo lo que necesita saber al respecto
Las llamadas en frío son una táctica de ventas proactiva en la que contactas a tu cliente potencial por teléfono sin previo aviso para vender un producto o servicio. En este artículo, analizamos qué son las llamadas en frío, cómo funcionan y los principales desafíos que debes conocer sobre esta popular estrategia de ventas.
Liucija Adomaite
Sales Strategy
What is Prospecting? Meaning, Methods and Best Tips
Prospecting is the first step of the sales process. It involves identifying potential clients and engaging with them to enhance the likelihood of sales. In this article, we share the best prospecting methods and proven tips to drive your sales.
Liucija Adomaite
Sales Strategy
What Is Smarketing? Meaning, Challenges, and 5 Steps to Nail It
What Is Smarketing? Meaning, Challenges, and 5 Steps to Nail It
Liucija Adomaite
Sales Strategy
Revenue vs. Profit vs. Income: What They Mean and How They Differ?
Revenue, profit, and income describe money businesses collect through product sales. But people often confuse them. We explain what they mean, how to calculate them, and their differences and similarities.
Liucija Adomaite
What Is CRM?
CRM, or "Customer Relationship Management", is a software system that manages all customer relationships. The goal of CRM is to build and nurture stronger relationships with your leads and clients. Using CRM can increase work efficiency, enhance sales teams' performance, make your customers more satisfied, and boost sales. 
Liucija Adomaite
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If lemlist blogs and videos were not there, I wouldn’t be getting good results from my cold emailing. Can’t thank you guys enough!
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