Send LinkedIn voice messages and increase your replies
Add LinkedIn voice messages to your outreach campaigns and connect in a human way with your prospects
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Voice message
Record a generic voice note to send to your LinkedIn contact.
Hey {{firstname}}, I just read your recent post announcing the fundraising. Congrats! From what I understand, you plan to hire
new members worldwide. That's super exciting! ...
new members worldwide. That's super exciting! ...
max: 01:00
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emlist_ LinkedIn voice messages how does it work?
Add a voice message in your sequence
Combine LinkedIn voice messages with emails and phone calls in multi-channel outreach sequences
Automatically send LinkedIn messages to leads who have accepted your connection request using pre-set conditions.
Record your generic voice message
Record a generic voice message that will be sent automatically to all leads.
Use pre-made templates of LinkedIn voice message scripts that work, so you increase your results
Record custom voice messages for leads
Record a custom voice message for each lead in the review section for extra personalization
Keep track of who engaged with your voice messages and go further into your campaign to increase replies
Finden Sie Leads mit verifizierten E-Mails, schreiben und personalisieren Sie in großem Umfang und gewinnen Sie Kunden mit lmlist_