Text Manipulation

Spin Syntax

From the list of text given in the input, select randomly one to output
Remove all quotes from the output.

- "[ADD INPUT 1]"
- "[ADD INPUT 2]"
- "[ADD INPUT 3]"
- "[ADD INPUT 4]"


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Your input

Example Inputs

1. ‘[Good morning]’

2. ‘[Have a great day]’

3. ‘[Hello there]’

4. ‘[Welcome back]’


Example Output

Welcome back

How to find this variable?

This variable involves a list of options provided directly in the input, typically used for choosing random responses or messages in applications that require dynamic content generation.

How to use it?

Utilize the randomly selected text in applications such as chatbots, dynamic email content, or social media posts to provide variability and prevent repetitiveness, enhancing user engagement and experience.

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