_lemlist_vs Smartlead Alternative

Build your lead list with verified emails, write and personalize at scale,and send cold emails that actually get customers.

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14-day free trial
$110,500,000+ revenue generated
100 free leads included
Free features to avoid spam

3 reasons to choose lemlist over Smartlead

Access 450M+ Potential Buyers in Lead Database

Filter your search by company name, size, industry, or location to target prospects aligned with your ideal buyer.

Send AI-Generated Multichannel Campaigns

Reach your leads’ in their preferred channel without having to spend hours on each campaign.

Add LinkedIn Voice Messages To Your Sequences

With personalized LinkedIn voice notes you’ll engage further with your leads.

4.8 out of 5
 out of 5
Find buyer-ready prospects & their emails
"Multichannel outreach", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"B2B Lead Database", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Email Finder & Lead Verifier", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Chrome extension", "yes", "", "no", ""
Engage at scale in a human way
"Free warmup & email booster", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Custom text", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Custom images", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Custom videos", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Multisender per campaign", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Cold Email Templates", "yes", "", "yes", ""
Improve conversions
"Advanced conditions in sequence", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Automated follow-ups", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Task Management", "yes", "", "yes", ""
Monitor & Improve your performance
"A/B Testing", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Campaign Performance Report", "yes", "", "yes", ""
Integrate everywhere
"CRM Integrations", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Zapier", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"API", "yes", "", "yes", ""
Other advantages
"In-app live support", "yes", "", "no", ""
"AI-generated copy", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"AI-generated multichannel sequence", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Unsubscribe link feature", "yes", "", "yes", ""
To summarize

lemlist or Smartlead? Which one is the right choice for doing cold outreach? 

We’ll take a look at how their features work, how many emails you can send every month, personalization capabilities, and more. 


Both outreach tools let you test their features through their 14-day free trial - no card required. 

Smatrlead prices start from $33 (billed monthly), and it comes with a limit of 2000 active leads and 6000 emails per month. When you reach the limit, you have to delete the leads to recycle the credits or upgrade the plan.

lemlist prices start from $55 per month (billed annually), and there is no limit on active leads or sent emails. Additionally, you can purchase extra sending email accounts for $9 each.

Finding new leads

Smartlead doesn’t have a leads database, so you must build the email list yourself. Also, you must manually search for valid and verified email addresses, as Smartlead doesn’t have an email finder & verifier feature.

lemlist helps you to quickly start your email campaigns through its B2B lead database. You can find your ideal customer as you filter the database by name, job title, location, profile language, recently changed job, and more.


Additionally, lemlist offers its Chrome extension that allows you to scrap emails straight from LinkedIn. And even better, lemlist offers a Freemium plan that alows you to get 100 free email per month.

Campaign management

Smartlead campaign features save you time as you can automate follow-up emails based on your recipients' response. Smartlead doesn’t have a limit on how many follow-ups you can automate, but data shows that 4 to 9 follow-ups increase your chance of conversion.

Smartlead offers SmartAI Bot, which you can train to categorize your leads and create persona-specific, high-converting sales copy. Also, Smartlead helps you nurture your leads as it supports multichannel outreach through email, WhatsApp, Twitter, and SMS. 

smartlead campaign management

lemlist supports multichannel outreach through email, LinkedIn steps, calls (via Aircall), and much more. Also, lemlist simulates human-like activities with complex workflows and automation. Every step of your outreach sequence is optimized for each lead’s interaction with your campaign. 

lemlist campaign management


Smartlead offers basic personalization features, including dynamic custom fields or personalized sending time. Although Smartlead's personalization is notnative, as it is done through Clay.

lemlist helps you personalize the message for every prospect, helping you get their attention. Besides customizing the text for every lead, you can create a unique message with custom images, videos, and dynamic landing pages.

lemlist vs Smartlead: Which one should you pick?

Both tools are efficient in reaching out to your prospects and ensuring you reach your prospects’ inboxes. But lemlist can make your message stand out with its personalization features and advanced conditions. 

Also, lemlist allows you to connect with as many people as you want since it has no limit on active leads or emails sent.

Finden Sie Leads mit verifizierten E-Mails, schreiben und personalisieren Sie in großem Umfang und gewinnen Sie Kunden mit lmlist_