
Cold Email Template to get speakers at your events

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Campaign Overview: Global TA Day Speaker Outreach

This campaign is designed by the Association of Talent Acquisition Professionals (ATAP) to recruit speakers for the upcoming Global TA Day. It employs a creative and engaging approach to capture the attention of potential speakers and encourage their participation.

Why It Works

  • Creative Engagement: The use of a "Dream Speaker List" image and a playful tone throughout the emails makes the outreach memorable and engaging, differentiating it from standard, formal requests for speakers.
  • Clear and Fun Call-to-Action (CTA): The emails include a straightforward and humorous CTA, making it easy and appealing for recipients to express their interest in speaking or attending the event.
  • Personalization: By addressing the recipients by their first and last names and incorporating a personalized joke ("My name is Inigo Montoya..."), the campaign creates a sense of individual attention and connection.

Learning from this Campaign

  • Stand Out with Creativity: In a sea of generic emails, creativity and humor can significantly increase your message's chance of being noticed and positively received.
  • Ease of Response: Providing a simple and fun way for recipients to respond can enhance engagement rates, especially when offering multiple response options.
  • Personal Touch: Adding personal touches and acknowledging previous interactions ("third time’s the charm") can make recipients feel valued and more likely to respond.

When to Use It

  • Event Speaker Recruitment: This approach is ideal for organizations looking to recruit speakers for conferences, webinars, or other events in a way that stands out.
  • Engagement and Re-engagement Campaigns: Similar strategies can be employed to engage or re-engage community members, customers, or any group where a creative touch can make a difference.

Who Can Use It

  • Professional Associations: Like ATAP, professional associations can use this strategy to engage their members and recruit speakers or participants for events.
  • Event Organizers: Those responsible for curating event content and securing speakers can adopt this approach to fill their rosters with engaging personalities.
  • Marketing and Community Managers: Professionals looking to boost engagement within their communities or events can utilize this playful and personalized outreach method.

Note from the Authors

This campaign exemplifies how blending creativity, personalization, and humor can transform a routine task—like speaker recruitment—into an engaging and enjoyable interaction. By making the call for speakers feel like an exclusive invitation rather than a generic request, ATAP increases the likelihood of positive responses and builds excitement for Global TA Day. The annotations highlight the importance of humanizing your communications, making them more relatable and effective.

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Mike Cohen
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