_lemlist_vs Zeliq Alternative

Build your lead list with verified emails, write and personalize at scale,and send cold emails that actually get customers.

Try lemlist for free
14-day free trial
$110,500,000+ revenue generated
100 free leads included
Free features to avoid spam

3 reasons to choose lemlist over Zeliq

Free Access to lemwarm With Your Subscription

With plans Email Pro and above, warmup your email and run deliverability tests to avoid spam.

Find Your Leads' Emails and Phone Numbers

With the Chrome extension, easily scrape your leads' data and reach them in their preffered channel.

Use AI Variables and Engage More Leads

AI Variables will help you send the most optimized campaigns to increase your engagement rate.

4.8 out of 5
 out of 5
Find buyer-ready prospects & their emails
"Multichannel outreach", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"B2B Lead Database", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Email Finder & Lead Verifier", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Chrome extension", "yes", "", "yes", ""
Engage at scale in a human way
"Email warm-up and deliverability booster", "yes", "", "yes", "partially"
"Custom text", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Custom images", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Custom videos", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Multiple sending accounts", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Cold Email Templates", "yes", "", "yes", ""
Improve conversions
"Advanced condition workflows", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Automated follow-ups", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Task Management", "yes", "", "yes", ""
Monitor & Improve your performance
"A/B Testing", "yes", "included", "no", ""
"Campaign Performance Report", "yes", "", "yes", ""
Integrate everywhere
"CRM Integrations", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Zapier", "yes", "", "no", ""
"API", "yes", "", "no", ""
Other advantages
"In-app live support", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Free warmup & email booster", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Icebreaker generated by AI", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Campaign generated by AI", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Unsubscribe link feature", "yes", "", "no", ""
To summarize

lemlist vs. Zeliq: Choosing the Best Tool for Sales & Marketing Teams


Both tools offer a 14-day free trial and a free forever plan. Although it’s important to point out that with lemlist, you get double the credits every month (and double the emails).

Zeliq’s pricing plan jump from $59 per month per user, all the way up to $3K a year ($250 per month). So if you’re looking to improve your subscription, you’ll have to consider a much larger investment.

lemlist offers pricing plans ranging which include a $55 plan, $79 plan and a custom plan (plus a pay-as-you-go system for extra credits), so you can gradually upgrade your subscription without increasing your payments excessively.

ICP generator

We know that searching for your ICP can be tough. Especially when you don’t even know who to look for.

lemlist offers a variety of tools to perfect your cold outreach. It’s not just emailing and sending LinkedIn messages.

These tools include an ICP generator. Simply fill in the information and let AI take care of the rest.

Once you have your template, you can start searching and contacting, knowing that your leads are as relevant as possible.

Email finder

While Zeliq offers a lead database as extensive as lemlists, and has a chrome extension to scrap emails from LinkedIn, it does not offer an Email Finder and Verifier.

The lemlist Email Finder and Verifier finds around 80% of valid email addresses.

The tool goes through 3 different providers until it can provide only verified information for you. It will also scrape additional information from LinkedIn to make sure you can include extra personalization in all of your messages.

Multichannel outreach

Zeliq offers very strong email and cold-calling capabilities but is still working on fully integrating LinkedIn steps into its campaigns. This means if you want to include LinkedIn in your cold outreach campaigns, you’ll have to do so differently, where you can include profile visits, connection requests, and LinkedIn messages and InMails.

However, with lemlist you can fully integrate cold calling, cold emailing, and LinkedIn outreach all in the same sequence. Including non-linear sequences, where you can add conditions to determine if the campaign will continue on email or LinkedIn for each lead respectively.

One of lemlist’s standout features for LinkedIn is LinkedIn voice notes.

You can add voice notes steps to your campaigns to engage your leads much more and essentially, book more meetings with them.

You simply have to record a generic message, and lemlist will take care of the personalization for you.

If you need more proof that lemlist is the more comprehensive choice, check out the lemlist full review.

Finden Sie Leads mit verifizierten E-Mails, schreiben und personalisieren Sie in großem Umfang und gewinnen Sie Kunden mit lmlist_