Free DMARC Generator

DMARC Record Generator

Create a valid DMARC record in a few clicks to use it in your DNS.
Please use your professional email
Policy Type
How strictly do you want your DMARC policy to be ?
Sub-domain Policy
How strictly do you want your DMARC policy to be for your sub-domains ?
Send report to
Where do you want to receive the aggregate reports ? (optionnal)
Please use your professional email
Reporting Interval
How often should Aggregate reports be sent ?
Percentage applied to
What percentage of the emails do you want to apply this policy to ?
Please use your professional email
Generate DMARC Record
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Your DMARC Record


Email permutator

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Creating a DMARC record for your domain can be a bit overwhelming.
Even if you know how DMARC works, it’s easy to mistype a character and render your record useless.
But not anymore…
With our DMARC generator, generating your record is as easy as a few button clicks. And as long as you supply the tool with the correct information, your record will work.
How to use the DMARC generator
Our DMARC generator is easy-to-use. Here are the steps to get your DMARC record:

Step 1: Enter your domain name
Step 2: Select your Policy Type.
This determines what happens to emails that fail authentication. “None” means emails pass normally, with Quarantine they’re sent to spam, and “Reject” prevents the delivery of the email altogether.
Step 3: Select your sub-domain policy. A subdomain policy in a DMARC record specifies how email from subdomains should be handled. It overrides the main domain's policy for that subdomain.
Step 4: Enter the email address you want the DMARC reports to be sent to. DMARC reports provide data on email authentication results. They help domain owners monitor and adjust their DMARC policy for improved email security.
Step 5: Choose how often you want to receive the DMARC reports
Step 6: Choose what percentage of your emails you want to apply your DMARC policy to
Step 7: Click Generate DMARC Record and check the results:
Step 8: Add the DMARC record to your domain’s DNS settings
DMARC explained 👩🏻🏫
Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance is an email authentication protocol that makes your emails more secure.

It helps to prevent criminals from using your domain to commit cybercrimes like phishing attacks.DMARC tells the receiving server what do with emails that fail SPF and DKIM authentication, two other email security protocols.

Receiving email servers can find this information in the DMARC record associated with a domain.

Here’s what each part of a DMARC record means:
- The host value holds your domain preceded by the DMARC prefix.
- The prefix is usually appended by your domain/hosting provider.The type is the type of DNS record. For a DMARC records, you need the TXT type.
- The value field is where things get interesting:
- The V stands for version. This is currently always DMARC1.
- The P stands for policy. Here’s where you define what to do with emails that fail authentication. As explained in the “How to use the DMARC generator” , you can pick from one of three main actions here: 1. None (emails that fail authentication get delivered normally) 2. Quarantine (Emails that fail authentication are sent to spam) 3. Reject (Emails that fail authentication do no get delivered).
- The RUA tag holds the email address you want to the DMARC reports to be sent to.The RI tag determines the reporting interval in seconds. For example, ri=604800 means you’ll receive a report every week.
- The PCT tag holds the percentage of emails that you want your DMARC policy to apply to. For example, if it’s set to 50, only half your emails will go through the authentication process.
DMARC generator FAQ

Why do I need a DMARC record?
DMARC makes your emails more secure leading to better inbox placement and more opens.

Can I use this DMARC generator for multiple domains?
You can use it on as many domains as you need.

How do I implement a DMARC record?
Our DMARC generator gives you the exact information you then have to add to your domain’s DNS records. Typically, you can do this in your hosting provider’s account.

How long does it take for a DMARC record to become active?
It can up to 3 days for your DMARC to become active. However, usually it’s a matter of hours, rather than days.

What other email authentication records do I need to set up?
DMARC works based on two other email authentication protocols you must set up for superior security and deliverability. These are:
- Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
- DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is lemlist used for?

lemlist is the only cold outreach tool that helps you reach inboxes and get replies.

With lemlist, you can:

→ Find buyer-ready prospects and their contact details from a database of 450 million leads directly on the platform.

→ Find your leads' valid email addresses directly within lemlist - no need for third-party tools.

→ Write cold emails and LinkedIn messages using AI, and personalize at scale by incorporating custom intro lines, images, dynamic landing pages, liquid syntax, and more.

→ Create multichannel campaigns with advanced conditions to engage leads on their preferred channel at the optimal time, resulting in higher conversions.

→ Avoid the risk of ending up in spam folders by using the most advanced warm-up and deliverability booster available on the market (for free).

37,000+ users from 100+ countries.

On average, 57,284 lemlist campaigns are sent monthly via lemlist, generating $118,641,000 in revenue for sales teams, agencies, and founders.

How do I know which email combination is most likely to be correct?

You can’t know until you verify the list of potential emails. For example, in lemlist’s Email finder and verifier, if an email comes back as deliverable, it’s likely the correct one.

What if the Email permutator doesn't generate the right email address?

It’s possible that your lead has a hard-to-guess email address. If that’s the case, use your lead’s LinkedIn profile URL in our free Email finder to see if it returns an email address.

Find leads with verified emails, write and personalize at scale,
& get customers with lmlist_