The content you need to book meetings, sign deals & grow your business

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LinkedIn connect message tips (with 10 templates & examples)
It's not easy to reach out to someone on LinkedIn. So if you want to do it successfully, we'll share with you 7 LinkedIn connect message templates that we personally used!
lemlist team
October 1, 2020
Cold Emailing
Test A/B via cold email: ottieni più aperture, clic e risposte con i test divisi
Ecco una guida su come eseguire il test A/B della tua email fredda per aumentare i tassi di apertura, clic e risposta.
lemlist team
August 13, 2020
Sales Strategy
Building a sales team that will get your company to $1M in revenue
How to build a sales team with limited resources and hit $1M in revenue? We asked experts from Spendesk and Surf&Sales to share their tips.
lemlist team
July 31, 2020
Cold Calling
Come cold call [ottenere le nozioni di base nel 2024]
Questa guida alle chiamate a freddo ti mostrerà come reperire i numeri dei potenziali clienti, prepararti alle chiamate e vincere i timori di rifiuto. Scopriremo anche il ritmo delle vendite di lemlist, la nostra formula vincente per il successo delle vendite!
lemlist team
July 13, 2020
Cold Emailing
Get a 91% reply rate with tiramisu cold email
In two campaigns where I used Tiramisu cold email strategy, I got 45% and 91% reply rates. You have to try it out.
lemlist team
June 11, 2020
Sales Strategy
Come utilizzare le integrazioni Salesforce per aumentare le entrate del 46%
Scopri 5 best practice di Salesforce che aumenteranno il tasso di chiusura del 46%.
lemlist team
June 9, 2020
They love our content
I've been reading lemlist's content religiously for quite some time, and you guys just never miss! My outreach open rates grew in a span of days, so thanks a ton for that :)
Content Manager
Thank you and the team for sharing it completely free. No fluff, no filler, just actionable knowledge packed with value. ❤️
Tran Nguyen
Digital Marketing Executive
If lemlist blogs and videos were not there, I wouldn’t be getting good results from my cold emailing. Can’t thank you guys enough!
Kartik Bhandari
I don’t know I’ve ever seen a company of their size that’s better at creating valuable, viral, multi-channel content. It’s relatable, it doesn’t look like it’s coming from a marketing machine.
Large Enterprise Account Executive
I’ve learned a lot and I think I know their blog articles better than my favourite books 😂
Matteo Lombardi
Founder & Digital Strategist
Because of all the content and value you guys share, lemlist is more than a tool, #lemlistismyuniversity!
Account Manager
I can confirm that everything listed works and has proven to be true! I have at least 15% email conversion rate!
Lekan Oyebamiji
Tehnical Account Executive

Follow the 4 step framework to get 17-30%+ reply rates!

Say goodbye to generic templates, impersonal outreach, and wasted time.

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