
3 personalization tips for pitches that get replies

 To make your cold email stand out, your pitch should show that you

✔️ researched your prospects

✔️ understand their struggles

✔️ and know how to help them

Here are 3 actionable tips on what to write in your cold email pitch to book more meetings:

#1 Show you understand prospects’ specific pain points

[ ] Mention your prospects' specific pain points to show you did the proper research and understand their struggles

[ ] Give an example of their pain point to show your expertise and stand out from other emails' fake personalization

[ ] Include numbers and links to build trust and show that your email isn't generic or sent in bulk

#2 Give your prospects precise reasons to reply

[ ] Help them without asking for anything in return and provide value even before they become your customers

[ ] Share helpful resources or tips to tease them into discovering more about your solution

[ ] Show your expertise by adding industry stats and research you did explicitly for them

#3 Ask a personalized question to start a conversation

[ ] Give a genuine compliment that shows you researched your prospect and are following their work

[ ] Mention a pain point they might be facing (without realizing it) to trigger them to discover more

[ ] Add a question as a conversation starter, making it more natural for them to reply and book a meeting

P.S. To build relationships with your prospects and get replies, check out these 10 sales pitch examples and open new business opportunities ⬇️


 Whether your emails land in your audience's inbox or spam folder is decided by your email deliverability.

Not monitoring your deliverability could mean your emails are landing in spam without you knowing!

Using the right tools and metrics, you can monitor your deliverability to find and fix problems before they affect your campaign results.

After analyzing the performance of 100M+ lemlist emails, and testing the impact of lemwarm on 37,500+ users, we’ve just released The 3-step deliverability framework to avoid spam forever 👇

In < 15 minutes, you’ll know how to:

→ avoid the most common deliverability issues

→ improve your deliverability score and sender reputation

→ always land emails in your audience’s inbox


 The first step to reaching out to your target audience is to have their email addresses.

No verified address = no emails delivered = no replies = no growth opportunities = no $$$

But how do you find your leads’ verified addresses without spending hours on manual lead prep?

You can do it with lemstack’s Email finder in bulk, for free, and even from their LinkedIn profiles! 👇

Step 1: Go to lemstack’s Email Finder

Step 2: Add prospects’ company, name, or LinkedIn URL

Step 3: Get a list of verified emails

P.S. To reach out to your new leads and boost sales in seconds, you can import them to your lemlist campaign directly from lemstack!


Take care,

G and the team

Guillaume Moubeche
Co-Founder & CEO @lempire | Sharing outreach tips for growing business & leveraging sales AI
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