_lemlist_vs Evaboot Alternative

Build your lead list with verified emails, write and personalize at scale,and send cold emails that actually get customers.

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14-day free trial
$110,500,000+ revenue generated
100 free leads included
Free features to avoid spam

3 reasons to choose lemlist over Evaboot

Access 450M+ Potential Buyers in the Lead Database

Use lemlist's AI-powered lead database to find, contact, and convert more ideal buyers in 1 place.

Get 80%+ Verified Leads' Emails & Information

Discover your leads' valid data and ensure your personalized message reaches your target audience.

Reach Out to Your Leads Where They Are

Contact your leads on multiple channels and increase your chances for a reply.

4.8 out of 5
 out of 5
Find buyer-ready prospects & their emails
"Multichannel outreach", "yes", "", "no", "only works on LinkedIn"
"B2B Lead Database", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Email Finder & Lead Verifier", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Chrome extension", "yes", "", "yes", ""
Engage at scale in a human way
"Email warm-up and deliverability booster", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Custom text", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Custom images", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Custom videos", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Multiple sending accounts", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Cold Email Templates", "yes", "", "no", ""
Improve conversions
"Advanced condition workflows", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Automated follow-ups", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Task Management", "yes", "", "no", ""
Monitor & Improve your performance
"A/B Testing", "yes", "included", "no", ""
"Campaign Performance Report", "yes", "", "no", ""
Integrate everywhere
"CRM Integrations", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Zapier", "yes", "", "no", ""
"API", "yes", "", "no", ""
Other advantages
"In-app live support", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Free warmup & email booster", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Icebreaker generated by AI", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Campaign generated by AI", "yes", "full campaign", "no", ""
"Unsubscribe link feature", "yes", "", "no", ""
how much does lemlist cost
To summarize

lemlist vs. Snov.io: Choosing the Best Tool for Sales & Marketing Teams

Deciding between lemlist and Snov.io is critical for sales, marketing, or agency work. Let's explore why lemlist often is the preferred choice:

  • AI-Driven Personalization: lemlist excels with its AI-powered campaigns, allowing highly personalized emails. This means your emails feel tailor-made for each recipient, greatly improving response rates.
  • Efficient Lead Generation: lemlist stands out in quickly extracting valid email addresses and LinkedIn details. This feature saves significant time, letting your team concentrate more on strategic aspects rather than manual data gathering.
  • Email Deliverability: lemlist has dedicated features to ensure emails reach the inbox and not the spam folder. Better deliverability means higher chances of your messages being read and acted upon.
  • Multichannel Outreach Capabilities: Unlike Snov.io, lemlist supports outreach across various platforms, including LinkedIn, offering a broader range of engagement options with leads.
  • Seamless CRM Integration: lemlist's integration with popular CRM tools like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Pipedrive is more seamless, which is essential for maintaining streamlined customer interactions and data management.
  • Tailored Solutions for Larger Teams: lemlist provides enterprise solutions with features like personalized onboarding and dedicated account management, particularly advantageous for larger teams or agencies.

Evaboot excels in scraping all LinkedIn information, however it is limited only to LinkedIn, so it will not be able to asist you throughout your whole outreach campaing. However, lemlist’s AI-driven personalization, lead generation efficiency, and email deliverability make it a more comprehensive choice for sales and marketing teams. These strengths position lemlist as a superior tool for organizations aiming for impactful outreach and effective customer engagement.

Find leads with verified emails, write and personalize at scale,
& get customers with lmlist_