
Icebreaker from company description

Generate a concise summary of what a company does using the input below.

- If the input is empty, output: N/A
- Keep the summary under 8 words, using specific keywords from the input.
- Start the sentence with my prefix: "I was on your site and noticed you"
- Remove all quotation marks from the sentence

Input: {{companyDescription}}

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Your input

Generate a concise summary of what a company does using the input below.

- If the input is empty, output: N/A
- Keep the summary under 8 words, using specific keywords from the input.
- Start the sentence with my prefix: "I was on your site and noticed you"
- Remove all quotation marks from the sentence

Input: ‘We specialize in high-tech skincare solutions using cutting-edge biotechnology to enhance beauty regimes worldwide.’


I was on your site and noticed you develop advanced skincare technologies.

How to find this variable?

The company description can typically be found on the company’s website, specifically on the “About Us” page, or in the company’s profile section on professional networking sites like LinkedIn.

How to use it?

Use this concise summary at the beginning of an email or message to quickly convey that you have taken the time to understand what the company does. This approach helps in building rapport and personalizing communication.

Use cases

Sales Outreach: Start emails with this summary to immediately show relevance and personal interest, potentially increasing the chances of engaging the recipient.

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