Cleaning Data

Normalize Phone Number

Normalize the phone number specified in the input with a E.164 format.

If the input is empty, output 'N/A'
Remove all quotes from the Output

phone number: "{{phone 2}}"


Copy this prompt to the clipboard

Your input

Phone number: ‘415-555-2671’

Country: ‘USA’



How to find this variable?

The phone number can be sourced from business cards, company websites, customer databases, or contact forms. The country information is usually provided alongside the phone number in databases or user profiles.

How to use it?

Using the E.164 formatted phone number ensures compatibility with telecommunication systems and software that require international dialing standards, such as VoIP services, SMS gateways, and mobile communication apps.

Use cases

CRM Systems: Store and manage contact information in E.164 format to facilitate automated dialing and messaging directly from the system.

Marketing Campaigns: Use standardized phone numbers for SMS marketing to ensure messages are delivered without issues related to international formatting errors.

Data Integration: Simplify data integration processes between different systems (like customer service tools and marketing platforms) by using a uniform phone number format.

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