_lemlist_vs ClosersHQ Alternative

Build your lead list with verified emails, write and personalize at scale,and send cold emails that actually get customers.

Try lemlist for free
14-day free trial
$110,500,000+ revenue generated
100 free leads included
Free features to avoid spam

3 reasons to choose lemlist over ClosersHQ

Create Entire Campaigns in Seconds

Craft highly targeted and personalized full campaigns and increase engagement.

Don't Let Leads Slip Through The Cracks

With advanced workflows an conditions, ensure you don't miss any opportunities.

Personalize at Scale With Custom Images & Videos

Provide value on a much more personal level and increase your chances of booking meetings.

4.8 out of 5
 out of 5
Find buyer-ready prospects & their emails
"Multichannel outreach", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"B2B Lead Database", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Email Finder & Lead Verifier", "yes", "", "yes", "partially"
"Chrome extension", "yes", "", "no", ""
Engage at scale in a human way
"Email warm-up and deliverability booster", "yes", "", "yes", "partially"
"Custom text", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Custom images", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Custom videos", "yes", "no-code", "no", ""
"Multiple sending accounts", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Cold Email Templates", "yes", "", "yes", ""
Improve conversions
"Advanced condition workflows", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Automated follow-ups", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Task Management", "yes", "", "yes", ""
Monitor & Improve your performance
"A/B Testing", "yes", "included", "yes", ""
"Campaign Performance Report", "yes", "", "yes", ""
Integrate everywhere
"CRM Integrations", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Zapier", "yes", "", "no", ""
"API", "yes", "", "no", ""
Other advantages
"In-app live support", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Free warmup & email booster", "yes", "", "yes", ""
"Icebreaker generated by AI", "yes", "", "no", ""
"Campaign generated by AI", "yes", "full campaign", "yes", ""
"Unsubscribe link feature", "yes", "", "no", ""
To summarize

lemlist vs. ClosersHQ: Choosing the Best Tool for Sales & Marketing Teams


lemlist and ClosersHQ have very similar pricing plans.

One of the more salient differences is that lemlist offers inbox rotation and A/B testing for less.

Another difference between both tools is that lemlist offers cold calling through an Aircall integration or fully integrated in the app with Ringover.

Workflows and conditions

Both lemlist and ClosersHQ offer strong and customizable workflows to ensure that your campaigns are as complete and successful as possible.

With lemlist, you can build non-linear sequences that will depend on the different triggers you set.

For example, you will no longer have to verify your LinkedIn invites manually. Instead, add the trigger for your sequence to continue after a number of days (also to your discretion).

If you’re not to sure what the best way to build your sequences is, remember that with lemlist, you can access the in-app template library and use campaigns that have been successful!

AI-generated campaigns

ClosersHQ allows for your campaigns to include mass personalization with sender variables and spintax, which promises to make your emails unique and to avoid the spam folder.

Among its personalization features it also includes subject lines, names, last names, etc.

With lemlist you can also personalize all of your messages at scale with liquid syntax, personalized images, videos, and landing pages.

Moreover, you can add AI-generated icebreakers and AI variables.

Additionally, you can generated entire campaigns by using lemlist’s AI which will save you hours of manual work.

All you’ll have to do is review, add your own links, include your lead list, and launch!

Lead generation

ClosersHQ offers Email Validation which essentially works only as an email verification tool. Which leaves you with a difficult question:

Where do I find my leads?

With ClosersHQ, you’ll have to build your own lead lists manually or invest in a separate lead generation tool. This creates a few issues. Not only investing extra resources, but also increasing the chance of leads slipping through the crack by having to go back and forth from one tool to another.

For this reason, lemlist offers 3 different points of contact without having to invest in any other tools.

And get this, it’s no longer limited to finding emails. You can find phone numbers too.

  • Email Finder

With the Email Finder you can conduct single searches and bulk searches easily. lemlist will offer verified contact information.

You can try the free mini-tool to see what we mean.

  • Chrome extension

lemlist recently improved the Chrome extension to fully integrate it inside the lemlist app. So, now you simply have to conduct your search on LinkedIn or Sales Navigator, scrap their data, push to the campaign of your choice, and contact them!

  • People database

lemlist offers a database with +450M leads, and an extensive variety of filters to narrow down your search to the most relevant leads for your campaigns.

Now, bear in mind that all of these finders can be used for free too! Either with the free email finder mini-tool or with your free trial or free subscription.

Not a bad deal at all.

Although you canlearn much more about lemlist in our full review.

While ClosersHQ offers robust features, especially concerning analytics and report creation to track your campaign's progress, lemlist’s AI-driven personalization, lead generation efficiency, and email deliverability make it a more comprehensive choice for sales and marketing teams. These strengths position lemlist as a superior tool for organizations aiming for impactful outreach and effective customer engagement.

Find leads with valid contacts & personalize multichannel outreach at scale with lmlist_