_lemlist_vs Bouncer Alternative

Build your lead list with verified emails, write and personalize at scale,and send cold emails that actually get customers.

Try lemlist for free
14-day free trial
$110,500,000+ revenue generated
100 free leads included
Free features to avoid spam

3 reasons to choose lemlist over Bouncer

Use your verified data without changing apps

No need to change apps to segment your lists, send your campaigns, and book meetings.

Scrape your leads' LinkedIn data in seconds

Use the lemlist Chrome extension to scrape your leads data without leaving the app.

Clean and enrich your leads on lemlist

Once you’ve automated the process, push your enriched list directly to your lemlist campaign.

4.8 out of 5
 out of 5
Find buyer-ready prospects & their emails
Multichannel outreach
B2B Lead Database
Email Finder & Lead Verifier
only verifier
Chrome extension
Engage at scale in a human way
Free email warm-up & deliverability booster
deliverability kit
Custom text
Custom images
Custom videos
Multiple senders per campaign
Cold Email Templates
Improve conversions
Advanced conditions in sequence
Automated follow-ups
Task Management
Monitor & Improve your performance
A/B Testing
Campaign Performance Report
Integrate everywhere
CRM Integrations
Other advantages
In-app live support
AI-generated campaign copies
AI-generated multichannel sequences
Unsubscribe link feature
how much does usebouncer cost
To summarize

Bouncer is an email verification and deliverability platform recognized for its ease of use, strong security measures (SOC 2 and GDPR compliant), and high performance.

It allows you to verify email lists of up to 250,000 addresses through its drag-and-drop interface. You can check the validity of your email lists without having to send an email to your leads. 

Bouncer protects your sender reputation by ensuring that your list has no invalid, risky, or fraudulent email addresses. An email list with valid addresses reduces your chances of being marked as spam and improves bounce rates. 

verifiy your email list with bouncer

Bouncer offers a deliverability kit that allows you to check your email setup, monitor deliverability, and blacklists, while also being able to analyze where all your emails are landing.

However, this can also be done with lemwarm. Bear in mind that you won’t have to invest in a separate tool, as lemlist offers free access to lemwarm Starter with plans Email Pro and above.

lemlist email verifier

But lemlist saves you time by finding verified emails for you 80% of the time. With lemlist, you can find and reach out to highly relevant prospects through its AI-powered B2B database of 450+ million contacts, without having to leave the app.

Put together your next email campaign list as you filter by name, location, job title, word in their LinkedIn profile, and much more.

find new leads with lemlist database

Also, you can enrich existing leads with information such as their company name, industry, and more.

Unlike UseBouncer, lemlist offers more than just email verification. As a cold outreach tool, it includes multichannel outreach, personalization at scale, email warmup, deliverability booster, and more features designed to help you reach inboxes and get replies. 

And you can test all lemlist features through its 14-day free trial - no card required. 

Find leads with valid contacts & personalize multichannel outreach at scale with lmlist_