How SALT Sales maximized outreach efficiency with lemlist’s A/B testing

Matas Povilauskas, CEO at SALT Sales outbound agency, used lemlist’s multichannel campaigns with A/B testing to boost agency efficiency and get +200% lead gen!

Click-through rate
Reply rate
Lead gen increase

Meet SALT Sales, an outreach agency with a reliable B2B sales playbook

SALT Sales is an outbound agency that helps its clients enhance their B2B sales setup, streamline sales processes, and get immediate results.

They offer services such as Positioning & Practice, Outreach Strategy & Content, and Sales Ops CRM + Toolkit to help clients find, contact, and convert their target audience.

Did you just cook a killer product or a top-notch agency? All you need now is a pinch of sales SALT. We enhance your B2B sales setup, streamline your sales process, and offer a dedicated team of sales leaders for immediate, hands-on results. - Matas Povilauskas, CEO & Founder at SALT Sales

They use a methodology built and battle-tested over the past 10 years by the Predictable Revenue team to help companies enter and stay in competitive markets.

Hands down quality and no BS approach: no spray and pray, no unreasonable promises, no pointless meetings in your calendar.

However, booking thousands of meetings and conducting hundreds of customer research interviews worldwide didn’t come without outreach challenges.

They had to find reliable outreach automation tools to follow their growth and help them scale, seeing what works best for each client without spending too much time or money.

How to find the best outreach approach without spending too much resources

Before lemlist, the SALT Sales team struggled to find an outreach strategy that works best for early-stage SaaS startups.

Because reaching out to so many clients’ leads on different platforms requires a lot of time and effort, it’s recommended to do A/B testing.

A/B testing in cold outreach involves sending two variants of an email to see which performs better. Each variant has a different element, like a subject line or content.

You can test out the subject line, short/long messages, the value proposition, the type of call to action, the order of steps, the multichannel approach, the level of personalization (between custom text and custom images, for example), the campaign goal, etc.

This method helps identify more effective email strategies and helps to double down on successful approaches.

Without A/B testing, SALT Sales would likely waste resources on potentially ineffective outreach sequences, eventually leading to missed business opportunities.

But, doing A/B testing manually often involves:

  • human bias, leading to decisions influenced by personal biases and leading to inaccurate conclusions
  • limited scalability, as it’s challenging to manage so many different tests as the outreach grows manually
  • less efficient iteration, as the lack of automation lowers the ability to iterate and improve outreach based on test quickly

That’s why Matas gave lemlist, an all-in-one outreach solution, a chance.

Maximizing outreach efficiency with automated A/B testing

With lemlist’s A/B testing options, Matas and his team could A/B test outreach sequence steps or an entire sequence at scale!

If he wanted to A/B test specific steps, the lemlist would automatically duplicate his template, so there would be two versions of the same step in the sequence.

From there, he could have changed whatever element of the step he wanted, such as the subject line, to see which one gets more open rates.

If he wanted to, he could have an A/B test of the whole outreach sequence.

After creating his campaign, the lemlist could either duplicate an entire sequence into version B (ready to insert changes) or he could have start version B of the sequence from scratch (depending on how significant the change is).

These steps help the SALT crew A/B their steps and sequences on autopilot so they can immediately iterate their approach to increase positive results.

More efficiency with less effort

They have increased by 200% our lead gen flow. - MJ. Juozapaitis, CEO @ Blazer Agency

lemlist’s multichannel sequences with A/B testing on auto-pilot helped Matas to find what works the best for his clients and get results such as:

  • 72%+ open rates
  • 11%+ reply rates
  • 32% CTR

SALT delivered good results and started to convert deals pretty quickly. - Alex Green, Co-Founder @PickyStory

P.S. If you wish to automate your A/B testing with lemlist, remember these 3 rules:

  • Test it on at least 100 leads, so 50 leads for each approach
  • Ensure to reach out to the same type of targets at the same time of the year, day, and hour, and with the same sample size
  • Test 1 element at a time to know precisely which made your approach successful
SALT Sales is an outbound agency that helps its clients enhance their B2B sales setup, streamline sales processes, and get immediate results.
Vilnius, Lithuania
Agency Sales Outreach
11-50 employees

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